Butterfly Radio
Healthy Habits Champions: Kids and You
A 7-episode radio call-in show about challenges faced by teachers in the classroom - Sylvia to the rescue!
Episodes (full curriculum):
Episode 1 - The hidden power of habits: How eating habits impact children’s lives--present and future.
Episode 2 - Nutrition: How variety and balance support a thriving body over a lifetime.
Episode 3 - Trust their tummies: How child's positive eating experience makes a lifetime of difference.
Episode 4 - Celebrate special occasions: How to teach children excitement about all types of food.
Episode 5 - Imagination and play: How movement helps sustain a healthy body and healthy mind.
Episode 6 - What are they watching? Why quality of content is key.
Episode 7 - Act with confidence and joy: Why confident teachers have so much to offer families.